runway to air traffic control

Friday, November 18, 2005

3.1 / 3.2 Test

After a week in block three, I'm wondering why everyone says it's so much easier than the others.  The first week was all book-work (just like block one, ugh).  We covered a ton of info in just a couple of days.  The test was the most difficult written test up to this point (but also the last written test - woo hoo!).  Our class average for the test was a measly 80%!  However, the standings didn't change much - as far as rank in class.  We've had so many tests now, that even a low score such as my pathetic 78%, doesn't really affect my overall average much.  Despite the numerous low scores, surpisingly we had no failures and everyone will move forward as a class.  From what our instructors say, this was the last big hurdle.  Everything should be down hill from here, but I've been thinking that for a while :)  I'm not holding my breath...

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